Thunderpig’s Mirror

WNC Citizens Blog and Other Projects

Posted by Thunder Pig on March 8, 2008

WNC Citizens Blog

I’ve re-activated my mostly dormant state-issues blog again, and have been posting on it since the end of February. So, if you are right of center and would like to try your hand at posting on local issues, news, government…shoot me an email, or you can even call me via a button on the sidebar of that blog, or leave a message if I can’t get to the phone.

Other Projects

I have a collaborative project I am planning to launch sometime in April, so if you would like to participate get on board now. I have been working toward this project since I started this blog. I have been hampered by having to learn the technology and computer languages all over again since abandoning them in the 80’s for a different career that did not allow me time. People have been reticent to join me, especially after being burned by charlatans and turn coats in the recent past. There are enough conservatives becoming used to (or willing to learn) how to use the internet as an organizing tool, workspace, training aid, and communications network. With a few dozen people, we can achieve some truly remarkable things, and we will.

West Carolina Report will be a part of that network. I have other websites in various stages of development, and hope to have most of them ready to go within 90 days.

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