Thunderpig’s Mirror

Archive for the ‘bill Clinton’ Category

West Virginia Primary Results and Ruminations

Posted by Thunder Pig on May 14, 2008

First, the Democrats:

  1. 67.0% Clinton 239,062
  2. 25.7% Obama 91,652
  3. 07.3% Edwards 26,076

And, the GOP:

  1. 76.0% McCain 89,683
  2. 10.3% Huckster12,175
  3. 05.0% Paul 5,914
  4. 04.4% Romney 5,188
  5. 02.4% Rudy 2,831
  6. 01.2% Keyes 1,426
  7. 00.6% Others 727

Source: New York Slimes


Edwards, the man who dropped out months ago, got nearly 1/3 the vote that Obama did, and nearly 75% of West Virginians voted against the presumptive Democratic nominee. What a protest vote, indeed!

On the other hand, 24% of Republicans voted against the GOP nominee. Not quite the showing the Democrats engaged in, to be sure. Also, there were two Republicans still on the ballot, and ordinarily one would expect the protest vote to coalesce around the minority candidate, however, this year that minority man is Ron unacceptable man to the majority of right-thinking Republicans. He received a mere 5%, while the Huckster received more than twice his vote (10.3%) and another 9.6% also said no to Ron Paul, McCain, and the Huckster.

This has been one of the very few benefits to the Ron Paul Supporters (I call them Pauleroids) joining the GOP…it dampens any breakout power that they, or their candidate could have. They have been reduced to formulating resolutions, and planning temper tantrums that will further damage their standing in the party. Just imagine the damage a Ron Paul/Bob Barr ticket could have done to us in the General Election. By himself, Bob Barr is just sad humorless, sarcastic man. With Ron Paul, those two men could have been Ross Perot, redux. With a weak candidate like John McCain, we cannot afford that. God has already given us the gift of Obama, who is about the weakest candidate the Democrats could have put up. He hasn’t decided to give us over to the fire just yet…we have been given another go at it.

Posted in 2008, Barack Obama, bill Clinton, Democrats, demographics, GOP, Idiot Ron Paul Supporters, John Edwards, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul | 2 Comments »

Hillary Clinton: A History of Lies

Posted by Thunder Pig on April 2, 2008

The now-retired general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Hillary when she worked on the Watergate investigation, says Hillary’s history of lies and unethical behavior goes back farther – and goes much deeper – than anyone realizes.

Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.


“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

How could a 27-year-old House staff member do all that? She couldn’t do it by herself, but Zeifman said she was one of several individuals – including Marshall, special counsel John Doar and senior associate special counsel (and future Clinton White House Counsel) Bernard Nussbaum – who engaged in a seemingly implausible scheme to deny Richard Nixon the right to counsel during the investigation.

Source: Hillbilly White Trash


Does this surprise anyone? Hillary Clinton is a liar. Bill Clinton is a liar [1] [2] [3]. Barack Obama is a liar [1] [2] [3].

Posted in Barack Obama, bill Clinton, Corruption, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Lies From The Left, Progressives | Leave a Comment »

Jan 9th, Feb 21st and March 14th:. What Do These Dates Have In Common?

Posted by Thunder Pig on March 21, 2008

January 9th was the day after the New Hampshire Primary, where Hillary Clinton and John McCain emerged as the winners.

February 21st was the day of the Texas Democrat deabte. [Transcript] [Video]

March 14th was the day the Wright Story was picked up by the Legacy Media, curiously replacing the Ferraro Furor.

Coincidence? Likely.

I notice that lefties are trying to place blame on their favorite enemy, George W. Bush. I say to them, “You had better focus your attentions on Hillary, because if you do not go after her with everything in your arsenal, she’ll have the nomination. And if Obama gets the nomination, you can count on her to work to undermine him with more vigor than McCain. After all, he has suspended an aide who made a youtube video attacking Obama. What would he do to one of his people digging through Obama’s passport info? Or to a Bush Admin effort to assist him? He’d run, not walk to a camera to denounce the effort.

You had better find a way to utterly destroy Hillary as a viable candidate, or make peace with her, for she will eat you alive. Never underestimate a Clinton. There are many who did, and have had their careers destroyed, lives destroyed, or have assumed room temperature. Just watch the Clinton Chronicles. And if the video gets taken down again, I have a copy of it I am willing to upload.

Posted in 2008, Barack Obama, bill Clinton, Corruption, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Politics, Progressives, Saul Alinsky | 1 Comment »

Goodbye Freedom Fighter Ronbo Barbour

Posted by Thunder Pig on February 26, 2008

A fellow blogger has committed suicide.

I would typically read his blog entries three or four times a week, and linked to them on a regular basis from my headline news site because they made good reading, and his analysis was bang on.

He quit posting at the end of last year, saying he was going on the road. I thought that he needed some time to figure things out. He still managed to average about 200 hits a day because his blog contains a vast amount of information, and (I’m sure) several people were checking periodically to see if he was back yet. (Once you’ve been bitten by the blogging bug, it’s hard to let go for long).

Well, he did come back, for one last post to say farewell to the world. [Duplicate post from his backup blog] It was his attempt to make his planned death mean something. I am sure he wanted something good to come from his death. It may. That still doesn’t justify what he has done.

He placed a great deal of blame on an incident in 1994 in which he felt railroaded by the feds. I can whole heartedly agree with his feeling. I know people who have been treated in a similar fashion, and every such incident took place during the Clinton Administration. Several people from western North Carolina are in federal prison from crossing an unwritten (then, anyway) line with federal officials who had ties to the White House.

Some of those people have served their time, and are still hounded by people who want to make their lives worthless.
Being part Scots-Irish and Cherokee, my advice to them (and to anyone else) is that the best revenge you can have is surviving, and succeeding though it may take the rest of your life. Never, ever, ever give the bastards the satisfaction of seeing you fail completely. If you fall, get right back up and crawl through broken glass if you have to, but never give in, never give up.

I feel like if I had known what he was going through, I could have talked him away from the edge.

Now, he’ll not see another sunrise. He’ll not be able to chuckle at the Hilda Beast’s current struggles with Obama. He’ll not get to horse laugh at Bill Clinton as he becomes totally irrelevant, not even able to help his wife win the White House. For that, I am truly saddened. I will have to remember to chuckle for him, to laugh for him. To take the time to appreciate what I do have…for him, and for all those I have known who can no longer do so.

Be sure you watch the last videos he posted over at his blog.

I will take the liberty of posting one of them here so you can see perhaps a glimpse of what he was worried about, but needlessly threw his life away trying to draw attention to:

Good Bye, Ron. I’ll miss your posts, and your perspective. Both will be sorely missed in the coming Dark Days for the West…we will need freedom fighters to survive…

Others who have commented on Ron’s passing…

Free Republic, where I first discovered it.

The Midnight Sun, where he sometimes posted.

Up Pompeii

Something, and Half of Nothing

I’ll add blogs as I find them:

Gates of Vienna

Time Bomb 2000

Something Awful Forums


Winds of Jihad

Weasel Zippers

Posted in bill Clinton, Blogs, Counter Jihad, Hillary Clinton, memorial, World War IV | 3 Comments »

Bill Clinton Lashes Out Against Pro-Lifers in Steubenville, Ohio

Posted by Thunder Pig on February 18, 2008

STEUBENVILLE – Agitated after being greeted by over a hundred pro-life students at a rally in Steubenville tonight, Clinton lost his temper yet again after losing his cool at an Obama supporter in Canton, Ohio. This time, Clinton lashed out during his speech at the pro-life students:

“I gave you the answer. We disagree with you,” Clinton said. “You wanna criminalize women and their doctors and we disagree… I reduced abortion… Tell the truth, tell the truth… If you were really pro-life, if you were really pro-life, you would want to put every doctor and every mother as an accessory to murder in prison. And you won’t say you wanna do that because you know that because you know that you wouldn’t have a lick of political support. Now, the issue is who … the issue is, you can’t name me anybody presently in politics that did more to introduce policies that reduce the number of real abortions instead of the hot air putting out to tear people up and make votes by dividing America. “This is not your rally. I heard you. That’s another thing you need is a president, somebody who will stick up for individual rights and not be pushed around, and she won’t.”

Clinton’s heated response came after being questioned on his support of abortion-on-demand. Video has been captured of the outburst and will be posted on YouTube. The outburst is also being reported by MSNBC.

Source: Race 4 2008

Video will be posted here when it becomes available.

Gateway Pundit has the story on the tussle with an Obama Supporter.

Here is the video:

Updated link to Race 4 2008.

I hope this shows some of the people who were misguided by Bill Clinton’s fake triangulation tactics during the 1990’s to fake out out the social conservatives to vote for him. Just like any other lefty…he is full of hate, and we should never forget that his wife is of the same philosophy as him, although less skilled. She may have to resort to outright theft in order to secure the nomination.

Posted in Abortion, Activism, bill Clinton | 6 Comments »

The Clinton Chronicles

Posted by Thunder Pig on February 17, 2008

Here is the complete Clinton Chronicles, an hour and 43 minute documentary on Bill and Hillary Clinton.

I dedicate this posting to the hope that his wife, and co-conspirator, can be eliminated from the 2008 Democrat Primary by Barack Obama.

Posted in Barack Obama, bill Clinton, crime, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, video | Leave a Comment »