Thunderpig’s Mirror

Archive for the ‘John Edwards’ Category

HuffPo Tries To Soften The Blow For Edwards By Asking "Could Infidelity Save Your Marriage?"

Posted by Thunder Pig on July 28, 2008

And then, for the first time in 10 years, I silenced it. As Alex placed his hands on my hips, I knew with absolute clarity that I was about to have an affair. I knew it was a decision that could unravel even the strongest of unions. I never could have guessed that it would save mine.

I had felt this kind of passion only once before, when I first encountered the man who would be my husband. I was wandering my college campus, terrified, when a gorgeous man walked confidently up the hill. He saw me, and asked if he could help me find my way. “Well, yes,” I wanted to respond. “How about for forever? Does forever work for you?”

Source: HuffPo (read the transparent article with barf bag handy)

This is indeed sickening at how these lefties will excuse any crime committed by their heroes. I still remember how the Legacy Media published several stories with the same bent when Clinton got caught, and how they would wax eloquent on the beauty of telling lies, and how Great Men had a different set of needs than the rest of us poor peasants.
I think it is very funny that John Edwards (who they held up as a hero who stood by his woman during a life-threatening bout with breast cancer) was sleeping with another woman while his wife was fighting for her life, even fathering a bastard child. Yes, I know the “Politically Correct” term is love child. I just can’t help seeing Elizabeth Edwards fighting for her life while John Edwards was catting around just like Bill Clinton.
It is a hypocrsiy as delicious as the hypocrisy of “Green Guru” Al Gore with a Carbon Footprint the size of a mid-sized town!
**update** 7.05 AM
When I was checkingout the headlines on Yahoo! News, there was an article with the title Expert advice on surviving the aftermath of an affair. Am i reading too much into this?

Posted in Democrats, exposing hypocrisy, John Edwards, Lefty Sex Crimes, Lies From The Left, Progressives | Leave a Comment »

Media: Sexual Impropriety Is Okay For Democrats Why They Refuse To Cover Edwards Love Child

Posted by Thunder Pig on July 24, 2008

Yesterday, I ran a story from the National Enquirer (courtesy The Drudge Report) about John Edwards spending the night with his mistress, and the Legacy Media did not.

Jack Shafer at Slate has a story on the non-story:

When the original Enquirer story about the affair with Rielle Hunter came out, Edwards categorically denied the relationship, stating: “The story is false. It’s completely untrue, ridiculous.” As he rejected the Enquirer‘s charges, Edwards was making his wife and their marriage a central component of his campaign. If Edwards had had no affair, he wasn’t a hypocrite, not then and not now.

But if Edwards had an affair and lied about it, shouldn’t he suffer scrutiny akin to that of Craig? At least three-dozen daily newspapers in the United States published the Craig news the day after the Roll Call scoop, according to Nexis, but this morning not a single U.S. daily mentioned the Enquirer piece.

Source: Slate


I can guarantee you if John Edwards had been a Republican, every person on the planet would know about it, and would know the name of his illegitimate child.

The Legacy Media is very biased about what they report, and act as Gate Keepers to protect their fellow travelers. This is why newspapers are hurting, and part of the reason the network news are losing viewers. People are catching on, and seeking the news themselves on the Internet…at least the younger ones.

**update** 4.41 AM

Thanks to Jon Ham at Right Angles for linking to me!

Also, John in Carolina has a good piece on the Raleigh News & Observer ignoring this story.

Posted in Democrats, John Edwards, Lefty Sex Crimes, Legacy Media, Progressives | Leave a Comment »

John Edwards Caught With Mistress And Love Child!

Posted by Thunder Pig on July 22, 2008

The married ex-senator from North Carolina – whose wife Elizabeth continues to battle cancer — met with his mistress, blonde divorcée Rielle Hunter, at the Beverly Hilton on Monday night, July 21 – and the NATIONAL ENQUIRER was there! He didn’t leave until early the next morning.

Rielle had driven to Los Angeles from Santa Barbara with a male friend for the rendezvous with Edwards. The former senator attended a press event Monday afternoon with L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on the topic of how to combat homelessness.

The bad news…this comes from the National Enquirer.
Hat Tip: The Drudge Report

The Good News…it will likely remove him from Barack Obama’s short list of Vice Presidential candidates.

Posted in 2008, Barack Obama, Corruption, Democrats, Gossip, John Edwards, Progressives | 1 Comment »

West Virginia Primary Results and Ruminations

Posted by Thunder Pig on May 14, 2008

First, the Democrats:

  1. 67.0% Clinton 239,062
  2. 25.7% Obama 91,652
  3. 07.3% Edwards 26,076

And, the GOP:

  1. 76.0% McCain 89,683
  2. 10.3% Huckster12,175
  3. 05.0% Paul 5,914
  4. 04.4% Romney 5,188
  5. 02.4% Rudy 2,831
  6. 01.2% Keyes 1,426
  7. 00.6% Others 727

Source: New York Slimes


Edwards, the man who dropped out months ago, got nearly 1/3 the vote that Obama did, and nearly 75% of West Virginians voted against the presumptive Democratic nominee. What a protest vote, indeed!

On the other hand, 24% of Republicans voted against the GOP nominee. Not quite the showing the Democrats engaged in, to be sure. Also, there were two Republicans still on the ballot, and ordinarily one would expect the protest vote to coalesce around the minority candidate, however, this year that minority man is Ron unacceptable man to the majority of right-thinking Republicans. He received a mere 5%, while the Huckster received more than twice his vote (10.3%) and another 9.6% also said no to Ron Paul, McCain, and the Huckster.

This has been one of the very few benefits to the Ron Paul Supporters (I call them Pauleroids) joining the GOP…it dampens any breakout power that they, or their candidate could have. They have been reduced to formulating resolutions, and planning temper tantrums that will further damage their standing in the party. Just imagine the damage a Ron Paul/Bob Barr ticket could have done to us in the General Election. By himself, Bob Barr is just sad humorless, sarcastic man. With Ron Paul, those two men could have been Ross Perot, redux. With a weak candidate like John McCain, we cannot afford that. God has already given us the gift of Obama, who is about the weakest candidate the Democrats could have put up. He hasn’t decided to give us over to the fire just yet…we have been given another go at it.

Posted in 2008, Barack Obama, bill Clinton, Democrats, demographics, GOP, Idiot Ron Paul Supporters, John Edwards, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul | 2 Comments »

(VIDEO) Democrats Debate In Myrtle Beach

Posted by Thunder Pig on January 22, 2008

Here is the full debate, courtesy of You Decide 2008:

I’ll have more links and commentary after I get to the office around 8 or so this morning.

Posted in Barack Obama, Debate, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Primaries, video | Leave a Comment »

Anon Robo Callers Against Barack "Hussein" Obama

Posted by Thunder Pig on January 20, 2008

Looks like either the HildaBeast or The Breck Girl have decided to capitalize on Obama’s middle name. Listen Here.

Source: Political Punch

My guess is that it was Edwards’ people, who is the most likely to imitate the Huckabee strategy of push-polling.

Posted in 2008, Barack Obama, Democrats, John Edwards, Mike Huckabee | Leave a Comment »

Clinton Democrats Decry Union Thuggery In Nevada, Obama Waxes Nostalgic For The Reagan Years

Posted by Thunder Pig on January 19, 2008

I laughed aloud when I read the following:

This is an open caucus. Union members will be standing in the same room with other union members. Or maybe even their shop steward. Or their foreman. Or possibly even a union official. Everyone will know which candidate you’re backing. And if you’re a member of Culinary Workers Local 226, and you don’t caucus for Senator Obama???

The above was actually written by a diarist at MyDD! I’ll bet that same person was for the Card Check Bill that our Congressman, Heath Shuler ,supported. The statement by that Democrat is just too full of delicious hypocrisy to let by unremarked upon. That “union gal” has just been bitten by the Beast that is Moral Relativism.

I wonder what Obama Democrats will think of their guy wishing for the optimism of the Reagan years again?

Quoting the Obama:

“Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not, and a way that Bill Clinton did not. We want clarity, we want optimism, we want a return to that sense of dynamism and entrepreneurship that had been missing.”

Senator Barack Obama (D-IL)
January 16, 2008

**UPDATE** I found the video:

I am still looking for videos of the HildaBeast and The Lecherous One…

Source: Washington Post

Me too, Barack, me too. Who would have thought that a Marxist like Obama could let down his guard for one second and let his fellow Democrats know that he admired the man who destroyed the Soviet Union?

Well, the HildaBeast (Hillary Clinton), the Breck Girl (John Edwards), and President Bill Clinton couldn’t let that stand unchallenged:

First, the Beast:

“I have to say, you know, my leading opponent the other day said that he thought the Republicans had better ideas than Democrats the last ten to fifteen years. That’s not the way I remember the last ten to fifteen years.

“I don’t think it’s a better idea to privatize Social Security. I don’t think it’s a better idea to try to eliminate the minimum wage. I don’t think it’s a better idea to undercut health benefits and to give drug companies the right to make billions of dollars by providing prescription drugs to Medicare recipients. I don’t think it’s a better idea to shut down the government, to drive us into debt.”

Now, the Breck Girl:

The last two items were found on Gateway Pundit.

And, the Leacherous One (Bill Clinton):

“Her principal opponent said that since 1992, the Republicans have had all the good ideas,” Clinton told a crowd in Pahrump this morning. “It goes along with their plan to ask Republicans to become Democrats for a day and caucus with you tomorrow, and then go back and become Republicans so they can participate in the Republican primary. I’m not making this up, folks.”

He then asked which ideas were better in the last 15 years “than the new ideas I brought to Washington,” outlining issue-by-issue where Republicans stood on his accomplishments.

“I can’t imagine any Democrat seeking the presidency would say they were the party of new ideas for the last 15 years. But it sounded good in Reno I guess,” he said. “So now it turns out you can choose between somebody who thinks our ideas or better or the Republicans had all the good ideas.”


This is some really funny stuff, and I hope the eventual GOP Nominee is smart enough to have some fun with it, and run some commercials on how even the Democrats are starting to come around on Reagan. Who knows, in 20 years, we may have Democrats waxing nostalgic for the President George W. Bush years while they debate whether or not Social Security should be completely privatized, and left up to the private sector!!!

Posted in 2008, Barack Obama, Democrats, Heath Shuler, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Primaries | Leave a Comment »