Thunderpig’s Mirror

Archive for the ‘2008’ Category

Barack Obama Loves Communist Ideas

Posted by Thunder Pig on July 27, 2008

For those who claim to love liberty, consider these words of Barack “Fidel Castro” Obama:

Basically, what Obama is talking about is creating a Committee for the Defense of Liberal Ideology and Political correctness funded by a half trillion taxpayer dollars. National Security for this crowd is not about stopping terrorists from killing our children. National Security means to teach our children to understand the terrorists and their motivations so that our children can learn how to live their lives submissively so as not to offend the sensitivities of the very sensitive America haters.

Their version of National Security is to force you to act for the common good of society and not in your own best interest. Since this goes against human nature, the half trillion dollar “Civilian National Security Force” will have to force Americans to change their nature and create a new citizen that is self sacrificing and collective in nature-an ant-like new man, like Che’s and Fidel’s new man.

Source: Babalu Blog

More, from another source:

In his campaign document entitled “The Blueprint for Change: Barack Obama’s Plan For America,” Obama’s “Service” section runs a close second to “Education” in complexity. But, with his Colorado Springs’ statement, it grabbed first place in its projected costs to taxpayers. Obama did the cost projection himself.

He plans to double the Peace Corps’ budget by 2011, and expand AmeriCorps, USA Freedom Corps, VISTA, YouthBuild Program, and the Senior Corps. Plus, he proposes to form a Classroom Corps, Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, Veterans Corps, Homeland Security Corps, Global Energy Corps, and a Green Jobs Corps. Here a corps – there a corps – everywhere a corps corps.

So it made sense in Colorado Springs when he said his call to community service “will be a central cause of my presidency.” He couldn’t be clearer in signaling his intentions, including a Social Investment Fund Network to link local non-profits with the federal government.

The entire plan is breathtaking in its scope. But it does not, as at least one internet writer has suggested, portend a “giant police force.” It would be easier to rebut if it did. As it is, it’s silly stuff born of naively fanciful dreams.

Senator Obama aims to tap into the already active volunteerism of millions of Americans and recruit them to become cogs in a gigantic government machine grinding out his social re-engineering agenda. It’s Orwellian-like, with a novice social activist’s mentality at the helm…

Source: American Thinker


I can think that an Obama Presidency would combine the very worst aspects of FDR’s experiment in socialism and Woodrow Wilson’s experiment in fascism:

Indeed, in a disturbing 1890 essay entitled Leaders of Men, Wilson said that a “true leader” uses the masses of people like “tools.” He writes, “The competent leader of men cares little for the internal niceties of other people’s characters: he cares much–everything–for the external uses to which they may be put…. He supplies the power; others supply only the materials upon which that power operates…. It is the power which dictates, dominates; the materials yield. Men are as clay in the hands of the consummate leader.” So much for the dignity of each person!

These are going to be some of the points I will be hammering home to people in the days until the election…and, for the life of me, I cannot understand why someone would vote for Bob Barr when their vote would be better served casting it for the only person in a position to defeat Barack Obama…John McCain.

Listen to the opening monologue from Friday night’s Old Glory Radio Show:

Posted in 2008, Barack Obama, Communism, Concepts, John McCain, Progressives | 2 Comments »

Is Snopes in the Tank for Obama?

Posted by Thunder Pig on July 26, 2008

Ever wonder if something silly that came in the mail is true or not? If you have, you may have headed right on over to Snopes.Com to check it out. See if it was valid. See if it was a hoax. You trusted the trusty debunking of email myth by the Snopes.Com tribe. Well, you now have to be careful what you believe from Snopes.Com.

Obama wound up canceling a trip to visit wounded soldiers in Germany when he learned he could only do it in his official capacity as a Senator and he could not bring along his blabbering, loving horde of media. He worked out instead during that time. A fact.

But now, the ‘Progressive Regressive Immature Children of the Scorn’ PRICS are quoting a Snopes.Com article to say a ‘blow off’ isn’t so.

Never mind the topic. For that matter, never mind the country. To PRICS, context has a way of just getting in the way. After the PRICS have changed the context to match the topic (a favorite pastime for them, otherwise known as ‘spin’, perpetrated by SPIN PRICS) they are proceeding to act as if it matters, which is how SPIN PRICS manage to justify themselves.

We have Snopes.Com accepting an email forwarded from one of the Democratic Underground SPIN PRICS, writing up a nice ‘debunking’, and the SPIN PRICS grab it as if it was real, to point out how ‘Obama never did ‘blow off’ soldiers. Very few of them bother to notice it was in Afghanistan, and the context in the news is Germany, of if they do, it doesn’t matter.

To determine whether Snopes.Com is in the bag for Obama, just take a look at their items. Look at ‘The Natural’ from an email in July 23, 2008 an old topic, just now being reviewed? Or how about July 9, 2008’s ‘Campaign Contributions’ a false article gave Snopes.Com the opportunity to push the Obama line. “57 States” is not only true, it is true more than once, but instead of stating whether it is true or not, Snopes.Com gives excuses for Obama, he was tired. 57 and one more to go, and he was tired.

Source: Lee Hempfling on Red State


If this is true, it would ruin the reputation of Snopes. Of course, it would lend credence to the whole Obamessiah meme.

I have inquired as to the disposition of this…let’s see if I hear anything back.

Posted in 2008, Barack Obama, Lies From The Left | Leave a Comment »

John Edwards Caught With Mistress And Love Child!

Posted by Thunder Pig on July 22, 2008

The married ex-senator from North Carolina – whose wife Elizabeth continues to battle cancer — met with his mistress, blonde divorcée Rielle Hunter, at the Beverly Hilton on Monday night, July 21 – and the NATIONAL ENQUIRER was there! He didn’t leave until early the next morning.

Rielle had driven to Los Angeles from Santa Barbara with a male friend for the rendezvous with Edwards. The former senator attended a press event Monday afternoon with L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on the topic of how to combat homelessness.

The bad news…this comes from the National Enquirer.
Hat Tip: The Drudge Report

The Good News…it will likely remove him from Barack Obama’s short list of Vice Presidential candidates.

Posted in 2008, Barack Obama, Corruption, Democrats, Gossip, John Edwards, Progressives | 1 Comment »

Pat McCrory Speaks At Mars Hill

Posted by Thunder Pig on July 20, 2008

Pat McCrory was in Madison County, and Richard Bernier was there to capture it.

Richard is the co-host of Sound Off Buncombe, which airs on URTV.
URTV is channel 20 on Charter Cable in Buncombe and Madison Counties.

Pat McCrory Campaign Website

Madison County GOP Website (in development)

Buncombe County GOP

Posted in 2008, Campaign, GOP, Madison County, north carolina, Pat McCrory | Leave a Comment »

McCain Throws Phil Gramm Under Bus

Posted by Thunder Pig on July 19, 2008

What is he doing? Competing with Obama on who can throw the most people under the bus?

Phil Gramm made the mistake of correctly identifying Americans as whiners, and John McCain could not take the heat…so he tossed Gramm aside.

A local lefty, Errington Thompson, has the MSNBC video.

I will say that the McCain Campaign is appearing to be the most poorly run affair since the Fred Thompson Campaign. At least Fred let people self-organize, and I was proud to be part of that. I have tried to get in touch with the McCain people about organizing a ground game in western North Carolina, but they do not seem to be interested. “We’ll win that part of the state anyway, so why waste resources there?” That mentality will cost them the election, mark my words.

Peace out, people. I will be out of communication for most of the day today as I attend the Franklin Folk Festival in Franklin, NC. I am looking forward to a wholesome good time.

You might see a small part of the activities on this webcam.

Posted in 2008, Campaign, commentary, Festival, Franklin, John McCain | Leave a Comment »

Six NC-11 Counties Support "Principles First Campaign"

Posted by Thunder Pig on July 17, 2008

I wrote about it on WNC Citizens Blog.

I am really surprised at how everyone has misinterpreted this move by Mumpower, and misunderestimated him. Just ask his former opponents in the GOP Primary. I know I did.

In my opinion, the core of his support comes from people seeing him portrayed on WLOS as the sole adult on City Council (not on purpose, to be sure) all these years. Take this video I posted of Mumpower making Mayor Bellamy (and The Fab Four) look like idiots on the matter of partisan elections in Asheville. He was vindicated by the voters of Asheville, when they rejected the measure.

Posted in 2008, Campaign, Carl Mumpower, Concepts, GOP, Heath Shuler, NC-11, WNC Citizen Blog | Leave a Comment »

TIME Magazine: "We Love High Gas Prices!"

Posted by Thunder Pig on July 17, 2008

I kid you not, and they prove it by coming up with an article entitled Ten Things You Can Like About $4 Gas.

Here are their ten things (read the article for their excuses):

  1. Globalized Jobs Return Home
  2. Sprawl Stalls
  3. Four-Day Workweeks
  4. Less Pollution
  5. More Frugality
  6. Fewer Traffic Deaths
  7. Cheaper Insurance
  8. Less Traffic
  9. More Cops On The Beat
  10. Less Obesity

ObaMarx Campaign Logo

All these things add up to one thing, the TIME is in the tank for the Democrats, and the Democrat goal of controlling every aspect of your lives. Remember how the Legacy Media strated running stories about how good it was to lie, and the benefits that came from lying when it became apparent to all that Bill Clinton was lying about Monica Lewinsky?

This is the same sort of thing. Expect future articles on how sitting down with muggers over a cup of coffee is good for you and the mugger, and how Obama bin Laden is just a misunderstood Freedom Fighter who should be invited to sit down with President Barack Osama to “find common ground”. (Yes, I really wrote an intentional Spoonerism).

Posted in 2008, Barack Obama, economic socialism, Legacy Media, Lies From The Left, Progressives | Leave a Comment »

Mumpower Challenges District Party Leaders To Stand On Principles, Puts Campaign On Hold

Posted by Thunder Pig on July 14, 2008

**update** 10.06 AM Mumpower was interviewed on WWNC-AM this morning, and I recorded the interview.

Here are two Press Releases from the Mumpower e-Express:

July 12, 2008

From: Carl Mumpower, 11th District GOP Congressional Candidate
To: Mr. Steve Duncan, 11th District Chair
Subject: Principles First Campaign

Dear Mr. Duncan:

As you know, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has defined the 11th District to be a “frontline race”. I am looking forward to an accelerating campaign that finds us earning versus purchasing a seat in Congress. To that end, it is my belief that as Republicans, we must reestablish a foundation of trust and authenticity with the conservative and independent voters of Western North Carolina. There is a keen and widespread belief, that at a local, state, and especially national level, the GOP has betrayed promises made to the American people. I believe that reestablishing our credibility with the voters is and should be Job One and would offer the following observations-

* When you have no party operating from principles, then the party with the least principles will win.
* That is why the Democrats are successfully using an appeal to people’s selfish interests as a ticket to power.
* Unless we Republicans return to being Republicans, America’s drift toward big government socialism will continue.
* The Republican Party has a defined platform of principles that have been sacrificed to power and other priorities.
* There are many in the 11th District who wish to ‘unite and ignite’ our party around the core principles of being careful with other people’s money, keeping people big and government small, and protecting the sanctity of America.
* It is our responsibility to uphold and ground our own party – not a Democrat party kidnapped by extremists and special interests.
* Job Two, successfully challenging Heath Shuler, requires the foundation of Job One. Without that foundation, I will be just another puppet for a corrupt party – like our current congressman.

With these concerns in mind, I am formally requesting the following-

* That a majority of counties in the 11th district commit to a renewed dedication to our core principles.
* That each develop a sincere process for challenging local, state, and national Republican elected officials on votes that sidestep or otherwise betray our core guiding principles.
* That these communications be shared with the District Chair, me, and others at each county’s discretion.

Effectively immediately, my direct fight against Heath Shuler will be on the back burner until the Republican Party has achieved a rededicated focus in the 11th District. At that point it will no longer be necessary for me to publically challenge my elected colleagues, as there will be a persisting and credible system in place that will help assure accountability by our Republican elected officials. I can then focus my full attention on holding Congressman Shuler accountable for the mismatch between his words and actions and unprincipled efforts to purchase a seat in Congress. I welcome your help and assistance with each of these goals.

With regards,

Carl Mumpower
11th District Republican Congressional Candidate


Principles of the Republican Party

I’m a Republican Because…

I BELIEVE the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.
I BELIEVE in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability.
I BELIEVE free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.
I BELIEVE government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.
I BELIEVE the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations, and that the best government is that which governs least.
I BELIEVE the most effective, responsible and responsive government is government closest to the people.
I BELIEVE Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.
I BELIEVE Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.
FINALLY, I believe the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.


“I will always place principle before party, power, or popularity – and take the heat that comes with that position.”

Carl Mumpower – 11th District Republican Congressional Candidate

Then the second one:

Mumpower Puts Congressional Campaign On Hold

In a Saturday open letter to 11th District GOP officials, Congressional candidate Carl Mumpower has taken the unusual step of putting his campaign on hold, calling a “Principles First” campaign to be Job One. Stepping away from his fight against Shuler in the interest of the betterment of the Republican Party is courageous, considering that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has called this contest “a frontline race”.

Mumpower says that Job One has always been to unite and ignite his party around their stated principles – most of which center on being careful with other people’s money, keeping people big and government small, and protecting the sanctity of America. “In that there has been no timely action on an earlier call toward principles, it falls on me to press for action,” says Mumpower. “Without that foundation, I will be just another puppet for a corrupt party – like our current Congressman.”

“When no party is operating from principles, then the party with the least principles will win,” notes Mumpower. “The Democrats are successfully appealing to people’s selfish interests as a ticket to power. Unless we Republicans return to being Republicans, America’s drift toward big government socialism will continue. Republican leaders and elected officials have been sidestepping their principles and courage buttons for years. Hopefully, this will be a refresher course on the good things that can happen when one voice refuses to give into the herd running toward a cliff.”

“To this end, I am asking for a majority of counties in the 11th district to commit to our guiding principles and develop their own process for challenging local, state, and national Republican elected officials on votes that ignore those principles,” said Mumpower. “Until we get that commitment in place, campaign efforts with Republican organizations are on hold. WNC will know shortly whether the Republican Party of this District is going to stand for something voters can count on or not.”

“The fight for ‘Principles First’ can begin here and now in the 11th District,” says Mumpower. “We will unite and get back to our roots, or I will fail knowing that I tried. Not until this fight is out of the way will I focus my full attention on holding Congressman Shuler accountable for the mismatch between his promises and actions.”

Carl Mumpower – 11th District Republican Congressional Candidate

Principles before party, power, or popularity – always.


Candidate Website


Mumpower is correct. The Republican Party nationwide has shirked from standing on principles, and as a result (deservedly so), lost it’s majority in Congress. Aside from The Hit Men who are removing RINOs from office by convincing them to “take early retirement”, I see little evidence the party leadership has changed.

Locally, some of the party leadership took umbrage at Mumpower’s stand that Bush had not fulfilled his oath of office when it came to Illegal Immigration. I am glad these people have exposed themselves so the party members can work on elected new leaders when the time comes in Polk and Jackson Counties.

While I do not agree with Mumpower on every issue, I am assured that he will follow his principles, and not the dictates of corrupt party interests.

Posted in 2008, Carl Mumpower, Concepts, GOP, Heath Shuler, NC-11 | Leave a Comment »

Keep The Change, Obama: FISA

Posted by Thunder Pig on July 14, 2008

Senator Obama voted against immunity before he voted for it. Priceless!

Posted in 2008, Barack Obama, citizen journalism, Democrats, Homeland Security | Leave a Comment »

John McCain Weekly Radio Address July 11

Posted by Thunder Pig on July 12, 2008

I have been unable to find the file embedded any where, so I am making it available here:

John McCain Radio 07 11 2008

Download the File.

The text is below:

Good morning. I’m John McCain, and this week I’ve been on the road in Colorado, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. I’ve been holding town hall meetings to talk over the subject on most everyone’s minds these days — our slowing economy.

More than 400,000 Americans have lost their jobs since December, and the rate of new job creation has fallen sharply. Americans are worried about the security of their current job, and they’re worried that they, their kids and their neighbors may not find good jobs and new opportunities in the future. It’s a big problem when gasoline, food, and other necessities of life carry the price tag of luxury goods, and that’s what it feels like to millions of Americans.

I have a plan to grow this economy, and it starts with getting a handle on the cost of gasoline and regaining America’s energy security. I believe we should immediately suspend the federal gas tax for the remainder of the summer driving season. We also have billions of dollars of oil in the United States, and vast reserves of natural gas as well. So we must commit to producing more of both, to send a message to the market and trigger lower prices for oil and gas.

We will develop more clean energy, and especially zero-emission nuclear energy. We will build at least 45 nuclear plants that will create over 700,000 good jobs to construct and operate them. At the same time, we will develop clean coal technology — which alone will create tens of thousands of jobs in some of America’s most hard-pressed areas.

Under my energy plan — the Lexington Project — we will also accelerate the development of wind and solar power and other renewable technologies. And we will help automakers design and sell cars that don’t depend on gasoline. Production of hybrid, flex-fuel, and electric cars will bring America closer to energy independence. And it will bring jobs to auto plants, parts manufacturers, and the communities that support them.

My opponent has an answer to the Lexington Project, and it’s “no”: No to more drilling, no to more nuclear power, no to more use of coal. For a guy whose “official seal” carried the motto, “Yes, we can,” Senator Obama’s agenda sure has a whole lot of “No, we can’t.”

We need to think as well about small businesses and the jobs they create. Small businesses are the job engine of America, and I will make it easier for them to grow and hire more workers.

My opponent would make it harder by imposing a healthcare mandate that will add a crushing $12,000 to the cost of employing anyone with a family. My plan attacks the real problems of health care — cost, availability and portability.

In an economic downturn, the worst of all ideas is to raise taxes. And Senator Obama will do just that. If you are one of the 23 million small business owners who files as an individual rate payer, watch out — because as your business grows, my opponent proposes to raise your taxes. If you have an investment for your child’s education or own a mutual fund or a stock in a retirement plan, watch out — because Senator Obama intends to nearly double the taxes on capital gains. He will raise estate taxes to 45 percent. I propose to cut them to 15 percent. For those of you with children, I will double the child deduction from $3,500 to $7,000 for every dependent, in every family in America.

To promote job creation, we must also get government’s fiscal house in order. Government has grown by 60 percent in the last eight years, because this Congress and this Administration have failed to meet their responsibilities. When I’m president, I will order a stem to stern review of government, and I will veto every single bill with wasteful spending.

For his part, Senator Obama proposes to create sprawling new federal programs that will increase government spending even more. As for earmark spending, I have never asked for a single earmark in my entire career. In his Senate career, Senator Obama has requested some $930 million for earmark projects. That comes to more than a million dollars in pork for every working day since he became a United States Senator.

In America, the most important measure of the economy is the opportunity — the chance for every man and woman to find a better life, and to make one better still for their children. That is all a part of the promise of our country. And if I am elected president, I will see that promise kept.

We’re passing through a very tough time, my fellow Americans. But we’ve been through worse, and beaten longer odds. And very soon, we’re going to get this economy running again at full strength.

Thanks for listening.

What do you think?

Posted in 2008, Audio, Campaign, GOP, John McCain | Leave a Comment »