Thunderpig’s Mirror

Archive for August 25th, 2006

Pluto now a "Dwarf Planet" my beehind !!!

Posted by Thunder Pig on August 25, 2006 article on the scheme.

Have these people got nothing better to do than to argue about this?

Maybe I should be glad I never became an Astronomer according to my boyhood dreams. The answer is ovious as the nose on their faces: Let Pluto be the dividing line between planet and large asteroid (or planetesimal for the politically correct).

And elevating Charon to the same status as Pluto is absurd, Charon is a moon, not a planet. All planets and their moons orbit about a common center due to the laws of physics. Since Pluto and Charon are close in mass, their common orbital center is nearly halfway between them. The Earth and Moon orbit around a common center that always stays below the surface of the Earth because the Earth is many times more massive than the Moon.

My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets becomes
Many Very Educated Men Just Screwed Up Nine Planets

Hat Tip: SomeGuyFromCA

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